Peter Drucker - Groupie
"At the close of the interview/advice session Peter Drucker genuinely startled me when he brought up the subject of his consulting fee: “My fee, perhaps you know, is quite large… and what it involves is that you keep me clearly informed as the initiative progresses...this is my charge and only fee”. At that moment I knew why he said “yes” to the Ai interview in the first place. It was all about learning."
Excerpt from Apreciative Inquiry Commons - By David Cooperrider - Case Western Reserve University March 23, 2003
I've tried everything from support groups and individual therapy to accupunture and riki but the bottom line is, I'm a Peter Drucker Groupie and there's no cure!
In January 2006, I was first introduced to some initial articles of Mr. Drucker's. As I read the articles I became enthralled by his life, his character and his thinking. Since that time I have read all or parts of several of his books and many more articles. When I learned of his passing the previous November, I knew that I missed meeting an amazing man!
He leaves a legacy that spands generations, decades and content areas.
His insights on the knowledge worker have proven as on target as those he shared on education. He was a brilliant man!
Check out this article on Drucker. I think of it as a 'best of' Drucker article. What do you think?