Why Learn On line?

Whether you are thinking about enrolling in an on line course, are in the midst of one or have already completed on line coursework, this is the place to discuss your on line learning experience.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Peter Drucker - Groupie

"At the close of the interview/advice session Peter Drucker genuinely startled me when he brought up the subject of his consulting fee: “My fee, perhaps you know, is quite large… and what it involves is that you keep me clearly informed as the initiative progresses...this is my charge and only fee”. At that moment I knew why he said “yes” to the Ai interview in the first place. It was all about learning."

Excerpt from Apreciative Inquiry Commons - By David Cooperrider - Case Western Reserve University March 23, 2003

I've tried everything from support groups and individual therapy to accupunture and riki but the bottom line is, I'm a Peter Drucker Groupie and there's no cure!

In January 2006, I was first introduced to some initial articles of Mr. Drucker's. As I read the articles I became enthralled by his life, his character and his thinking. Since that time I have read all or parts of several of his books and many more articles. When I learned of his passing the previous November, I knew that I missed meeting an amazing man!

He leaves a legacy that spands generations, decades and content areas.
His insights on the knowledge worker have proven as on target as those he shared on education. He was a brilliant man!

Check out this article on Drucker. I think of it as a 'best of' Drucker article. What do you think?


Monday, June 12, 2006

Where's the purple paper?

Where's the purple paper I impatiently ask myself, as I open and close notebooks looking for it. I scan the contents of my black backpack. I had the purple paper last night. Lift my laptop. No, it's not underneath there. Where's my course book, big, blue, paperback? Yup the books up on the shelf. Climb up on the swivel...whoa... wooden desk chair... where's the purple paper? He said that using different colors of paper helps people to easily recognize the distinction of content of a paper. Purple paper, where are you? Aahhh, inside the blue paper back. Got it. Sigh. Sit back in the swivel desk chair to finish typing my post.

Right, purple paper, M.O.D.E. interaction....

As I reflect on the content of the FCSCL course that has initiated my setting up of this blog, I can begin to see a transformation in my understanding of what it means to faciliate CL on line learning. Although comfortable in the role of on line facilitator, at the onset of this course I would respond to others in ways that were instinctual rather than based on pedagogy. What I realized tonight is that I have become even more cognizant of how I interact with others, in particular outside of my FCSCL course, and have begun utilizing methods of learning through that coursework. It's exciting!

As I completed a post in which I shared an analogy between marketing concepts and project management responsibilities (Talk) I realized that I wanted to encourage others to post their experiences. I also knew that I wanted to refer to the M.O.D.E. interaction guiding principles. As I searched for the purple paper that held the answers, I had to chuckle! Here I, who has felt so constrained by these guidelines, have begun to see value in how I may be able to apply them.

It was a relief to actually find the purple paper to review my M.O.D.E. options and find response suggestions that encourage my classmates to participate in discussion thread. I ended my post with a look-type response and look forward to reviewing how classmates outside of FCSCL respond to the prompts.

Has anyone else implemented the M.O.D.E. methodology outside the FCSCL classroom? If so, what types of responses have you received? Would you make any changes to the M.O.D.E principles based on your experience?